Woodsy Escape ( rewrite of Bones)

I taste the air of times past
as she walks and I ride
toward the tar covered trail
lined of birch and pine.

A distant hum echoes
softly in the breeze….

Naked in Sync

From between silk sheets, lovers step beyond the familiar through the door of dawn tasting chance for love. They remove their masks and undress their core, exploring an exposing sides of good and bad. Uncovering fetishes that annoy and similarities of play, they test their probability and watch fate go either way. 4/15 care for…


I remember my hands touching the ground for a sideways second as my feet flew above landing with my arms raised to the sky. I remember the wind rushing through my hair as I dashed between trees bare feet on rich dirt. I remember those times long past before my body went mad and forgot…

Social Security Review

Monday morning begins… in a haze of numbers along the back streets of downtown buildings stand five stories high all weathered to grey and blended together as one meets another matching the numbers scribbled across her wrist. A building of federal law unmarked in a bond of 70’s style faded off-white walls stains of old…

Forgotten Trail

A seven part poem from my manuscript, Spirit Songs. Forgotten Trail I My grandmother always remembered me amidst her dementia and forty some grandchildren. No matter how many years in between she puckered her thin lips my way motioning me to sit upon her round lap of baby flab and boobs. I was smaller and darker…